Key Takeaways

The healthcare landscape has changed drastically over the past few years. In addition to battling a global pandemic, care teams have witnessed record patient volumes, been overstretched from crisis-level staff shortages, and faced changing patient priorities that have transformed the entire industry. Driven to confront snowballing challenges in the healthcare space, Memora Health set out to develop a platform that addresses both workforce and patient barriers — with making care better at the center.

To understand how Memora Health makes care management more efficient while elevating patient navigation, it’s important to understand the basics of how our intelligent care enablement platform works.

1. What is Memora Health?

Founded in 2017, Memora Health is the leading intelligent care enablement platform for simplifying and scaling complex care management. Memora partners with leading health systems, health plans, and digital health companies to transform care delivery for patients and care teams. Memora Health is the only solution that intelligently engages patients in an A-to-Z care experience through text message — simultaneously unburdening care teams from playing catch-up with a heavy influx of standard patient questions and requests. Memora’s healthcare AI and natural language processing (NLP) drive accurate and urgent responses to patient questions and concerns in real time over text–and keep them on schedule when it comes to taking medication, recovering from surgery, and more. 

2. What is intelligent care enablement?

Intelligent care enablement refers to emerging healthtech solutions that use scalable technology to support both patients and care teams through complex clinical episodes to more efficiently deliver personalized, proactive, and coordinated care.

Importantly, this nascent category deviates from legacy point solutions by assisting effective care delivery at several touch points for multiple stakeholders (patients, providers, care management teams, etc.) — bridging gaps during even complex care journeys that demand ongoing and unique healthcare support.

Learn how one health system used intelligent care enablement to simplify fertility care.

3. How do Memora Health’s Care Programs benefit care teams?

By automatically and intelligently responding to common patient concerns, Memora Health removes the static often caused by the influx of questions and requests forwarded to care teams before, during, and after treatment. Unburdening team members from these routine tasks helps them laser-focus on the most critical cases and cuts through the stress of balancing administrative tasks with clinical duties. And by adopting workflow tools that could help improve healthcare efficiency, care teams can possibly decompress between patient visits, patients can engage with more convenient and curated care experiences, and our healthcare organizations can become more resilient across the industry.

4. Our organization’s EHR offers patient-navigation functions – can’t we just use that?

An EHR is an efficient tool for managing patient information. But patients encounter challenges when accessing and engaging with their care journeys through the platform. Most EHRs require people to download and use a separate smartphone app, as well as access to broadband or a cellular data plan–adding friction to an often vulnerable and stressful experience. 

That’s why Memora Health engages patients at their level with a text-based approach  while integrating everything into your EHR workflow–unlocking the full potential of your existing systems to support patient navigation  while streamlining operations for caregivers. 

Combined with our Clinical Care Programs, Memora leverages information within your system of record to deliver tailored guidance directly to patients and, at the same time, return patient-reported outcomes, clinical insights, and escalations back to the care team within their preferred workflow within the EHR–maximizing your EHR investment and improving care management at large.

Want to know more about integrating Memora Health with your EHR? Speak with one of our experts.

5. Resources are limited right now. How big is the lift to implement Memora Health’s platform?

Organizations everywhere are grappling with limited, overburdened workforces and a hefty backlog of projects delayed by the pandemic. As we confront the challenge of doing more with less, it’s crucial to invest in solutions that solve problems, not cause more of them. That’s why we’ve built Memora to be flexible, dynamic, and with a fast and easy implementation process.

We can partner with your organization for a low-risk, initial proof-of-concept to show you Memora’s value — with limited IT resources or operational disruption. Memora Health works quickly to get a standard Care Program up and running for your organization and requires minimal ongoing maintenance support from your team members — meaning more time for them to focus on patients. Our dedicated Implementation and Client Success teams are with you every step of the way to ensure speed to value for our clients. 

Speak with one of our experts about implementing Memora Health at your organization

6. We treat older people who aren’t very tech-savvy. Is Memora Health just for young patients?

Not at all! Contrary to what one might think, text messaging is an effective way to engage older and aging patients, as texts are simpler to engage with than smartphone applications. Navigating care with Memora is as simple as having a conversation over text, just like many already do with family and friends. In fact, our utilization data across demographic segments shows no statistical decrease in engagement for patients until age 85.

Memora supports your patients with text, giving care teams valuable time back during the day so they can prioritize those who may be impaired or without cell phone access.

Find out more about how you can use Memora Health to level the care playing field for people of all ages by speaking with one of our experts

7. What if our doctors don’t have time to review all of Memora’s Care Program content?

Our in-house team of physicians and clinicians develops Memora Health’s clinical programs using clinical guidelines provided by professional associations. We enhance patient support and unburden care teams by automating administrative tasks (like care follow-up) and answering common patient questions that can be standardized, while promptly directing concerns that require clinical expertise to the appropriate care provider– all within a workflow that works best for them. This frees up physicians to hone in on more urgent patient needs while knowing the rest of their patients are monitored by Memora.

Once reviewed, we deploy these pre-built frameworks. If configurations are required to align with your processes or clinical preferences, we support these changes. We can also incorporate your existing patient-facing resources into the Care Program.

8. How can we ask our care teams to use an additional tool or dashboard when they’re already so overwhelmed with the tools already in place?

Simply put: you can’t. That’s exactly why we built Memora to function within existing care team workflows. While our AI and NLP proactively engages as many of the administrative tasks and common questions from patients as possible, if clinical intervention is needed, an actionable notification is intelligently routed according to your care team’s design, to the right care team member, within their preferred workflow. The notification contains additional context to help care team members understand the issue and efficiently determine the next best action in their clinical judgment. 

All navigation between your system of record and Memora Health is seamless through single sign-on (SSO), and you have the ability to interact with Memora within the iFrame view — putting better on-demand care management right at your care team’s fingertips. All of your needs, all in one place!

9. How is Memora Health different from our other patient engagement tools?

We design our intelligent care enablement platform to follow an end-to-end, longitudinal patient journey that meets people where they are, no matter their care needs. So many digital health solutions on the market only address one stage of the care journey, which contributes to a suboptimal and fragmented patient experience.

We would love to help you digitize your complex care programs and identify how you can extract more value from your existing systems and workflows.

Speak with one of our experts to find out how Memora Health can help you simplify complex care management.